Club Anniversary 2024

CNTU Diplomas
CNTU Diplomas that you can be proud of

All membership fees are now due along with band requests that will, for now, be handled by me. Send me your requests please and make payment through our website at You can pay for membership and bands on the CLUB BIZ tab then dropdown menu Membership & Bands. [CLICK HERE] If that is not your preference then send a cheque to myself and I will process your order.

We have restored the CNTU WhatsApp discussion group to the rightful CNTU presentation and not a rogue set of individuals and non members. If you want to join, contact any of the executive. A great way to converse and connect with your fellow members enjoying the hobby and banter of good discussion as a team.

Also, please join the CNTU Facebook page where we now have 1000 members by letting me know of your request. Here you will find information on tipplers shared from all over the globe.

Canadian National Tippler Union