Official Constitution

Section 1. This Union shall be known as the “Canadian National Tippler Union.” Wherever used in these documents the acronym “CNTU” or the single word “Union,” when capitalized, shall stand for the full name of the organization. 
Section 2. The subordinate units of this Union shall be known as “Local Clubs.” 

ARTICLE II Purposes 
Section 1. The primary purposes of this Union shall be as follows: to provide a centralized organization for the flying tippler fancier and Local Clubs: to promote and regulate the sport in Union competition: to encourage by promotion of competitions, exhibitions, and by the general management and control of the tippler fancy shall thereby further the interest of all fanciers in the English Flying Tippler pigeon. English Flying Tippler is a distinct breed of pigeon developed in England, not a generic term for other types of long and high flying pigeons developed elsewhere. 

ARTICLE III Membership 
Section 1. Any person regardless of race, color, sex, creed or national origin, shall be eligible for active membership in this Union.   
Section 2. Any misconduct on the part of a member, or charge of dishonorable dealing, shall be investigated by the Executive Board and if found guilty, he or she will be expelled from the Union. 
Section 3. (a) Any person less than eighteen years of age will be designated as a junior member with no rights to vote. 
(b) A junior member at any age may compete in official competition if the member can secure Qualified Timer as defined in Article V, Sec. 1. 
(c) A junior member who has reached the age of 13 may act as a Timer for another junior member or a senior member in Official Flying Competitions, if the member can fulfill the requirements for Timer, Article V, and Sec. 1. 
Section 4. All senior members shall have the right to vote and hold office, provided the requirements of Section I of Article VI are satisfied with respect to eligibility for election or appointment to inter national office. 
Section 5. Local Club Membership – The Union will accept a Local Club membership after receiving a petition signed by three CNTU members of that Local club. Upon acceptance, the Local Club shall be subject to the Constitution, Fly Rules and policies as set down by the Union as long as the Local Club remains active. Activity requires at least an annual meeting of the Local Club, and that at least three Association members are among the local club membership. Should the Local Club not have a representative on the Union Executive Board by way of the Unions bi-annual election said Local Club may select one of its Union members to be designated as the Local Club representative to the CNTU. 
Section 6. The Union shall award no more than one designation or appointment as Life Member in any two calendar years. This award will be made at the time of our bi-annual election. To be eligible the nominated member must have been a member in good standing for a minimum of ten (10) consecutive years. 

Section 1. Annual dues for senior and junior members to be set by the Executive Board and reviewed as needed for the financial stability of the Union. 
Section 2. The membership will be effective for the January 1, through December 31, calendar year. Dues are received by Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer will notify each member in advance for renewal before the expiration date. 

ARTICLE V Flying Systems 
Section 1. Official System. A CNTU member may fly under the Official system by securing a Timer or Judge. It will no longer be necessary for a flyer to have a Local Club in the area. It is only necessary that the Timer or Judge be known as a Tippler Fancier and a member of the CNTU in good standing but not related to the flyer by blood or marriage or his or her loft partner. Non CNTU members are permitted to be Timers in the Unions Official System contests if reviewed and accepted by a recognized Tippler organization as a Timer and notification of such acceptance is forwarded to the Union President and Central Timer prior to the fly. 
Section 2. Honor System. Any member who cannot secure the services of qualified “Timer” may compete under the Honor System. Times flown in the Honor System shall be kept separate from the Official System. Also any record flown under this system may not be honored as club, national or world record, with the exception of the CNTU Honor System record. 

ARTICLE VI Officers 
Section 1. Any member of this Union is eligible for election or appointment to National Office if said member has been a member in good standing of this Union during the one (1) calendar year immediately preceding the calendar year in which said member is elected or appointed to national office. 
Section 2. Duly elected officers shall assume their duties on the first day of January and the term of Offices shall be for two (2) years. 
Section 3. The elected officers of this Union shall be:

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Secretary
  4. Central timer     

Section 4. Duties of Office 
(a) President – It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all Union meetings and to govern the Union and exercise the usual functions of the presiding officer; he shall cast the deciding vote in all cases of a tie in Executive Board decisions. 
(b) Vice President – It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assume the position and responsibilities of the President if the President is unable to do so. Regular duties will include casting of votes and consultation on various issues and club matters.
(c) Secretary – It shall be the duty of the Secretary to furnish a receipt to the President for such funds as are turned over to him by outgoing officers, and execute an inventory for such property as he may receive from his predecessor upon entering officer. He shall keep copy of the minutes of all association meeting and conduct all correspondence of the Union. He shall edit and publish the CNTU Newsletter and distribute it to all members. Secretary may receive a salary of 10% of the year end book balance plus dues and bands paid. 
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to furnish a receipt to the President for such funds as are turned over to him by outgoing officers and execute an inventory for such property as he may receive from his predecessor upon entering office. He shall be custodian of all funds and properties belonging to the Union pay all bills and expenses of same when authorized to do so. He shall order all bands and issue seamless bands on January 10 of every year, also throughout the year (unless sold out) until November of said year as ordered. There will be a charge set by the Executive Board for CNTU seamless bands which shall be sold in multiples of twenty-five (25) only. HE SHALL SELL BANDS TO CNTU MEMBERS ONLY. He shall keep an accurate record of all bands sold and to whom the bands are sold. He shall at the end of each year (December 31) prepare a financial statement showing income, expenditures, book balance, amount of deposit in bank, and any cash assets. He shall be prepared to present all receipts and documents relating to such financial statement. He should also take inventory of all CNTU belongings. The complete financial and inventory report is to be published in the first quarter CNTU Newsletter. He shall also submit a report to the Execute Board semi-annually. Secretary may receive a salary of up to 10% of the year end book balance plus dues and bands paid. 
The office of Secretary may be filled by one individual if the need arises. 
(d) Central Timer – It shall be an elected position: this election is done by the membership at the Annual General Meeting. Said person may be a non-flyer, but a member of the Union in good standing and of honest repute. All correspondence concerning Union participation in flying competitions shall be the Central Timer’s duty. The Central Timer shall keep a record of all entry fees received and forward such to the Secretary. Central Timer will receive Timer’s Report Forms from fly participants and, in a timely manner, compile fly results and report such results to the participating flyers after the competition of each fly; send all fees received to the Secretary, send entrant’s Timer’s Report Forms and a complete flying report to the Secretary; and furnish a flying report to the Secretary. 
Section 5. Executive Board. – The Executive Board shall be made up of the following officers: the President, Vice President, Secretary and Central Timer, The duty of the Executive Board shall be to decide upon all Union policies until the next bi-annual Election. 

ARTICLE VII Flying Competition 
Flying Competition – The Union shall set dates for all competitions consisting of both a Saturday and Sunday. These flying dates shall be broken down into two flying series, Spring and Summer.  Any member or executive of the CNTU is open to visit another member on the day of competition without notice. Prior notification is encouraged but not required.
Weekday flying – Those who cannot participate in the weekend CNTU competitions may petition the Board to be allowed to choose consecutive weekdays during the week prior to the fly weekend. 
Flying Competition:
Twelve yearly competitions will be scheduled, five in the spring series and seven in the summer series. Spring 4 and 5 competitions and Summer 1 competition will be two separate categories – young birds and old birds.
Spring Series – old birds
Summer Series – young birds 
Entry Fees – The first two competitions for each member will not require a fee. Thereafter, each subsequent competition will require a fee, amount to be set by the Executive Board. A Season Pass  will be available to cover the fees for the entire flying season.
Awards – There shall be a recognition awarded to the winner of each Flying Competition who fly’s according to the Flying Rules of the Union, provided such fly has reached eight (8) hours or more. Diplomas are awarded to all kits which fly eight (8) or more hours in CNTU competition.
Aggregate time – The CNTU Aggregate diplomas are awarded to the flyer with the highest summation of time flown in three of the four series in each competition year. 

ARTICLE VIII Amendments 
Section 1. All amendments to either the Constitution or Fly Rules must be accepted by a majority vote of the Union membership during the time of the bi-annual election or a special election if deemed warranted by the Executive Board. 
Section 2. Procedure. 
(a) Proposed amendment must be submitted in writing to the Union President and Secretary. 
(b) During Officers’ Communications, the Executive Board will discuss the merit of the proposed amendment and, no sooner than two communications later, they will ballot as to whether the proposal merits general membership consideration. 
(c) By majority vote, if the Executive Board decides the proposal warrants membership consideration, the proposed amendment will be carried with a brief discussion of its ramifications in the CNTU bulletin. 
(d) Membership will be allowed until the next newsletter to forward their comments to the President and Secretary for publication in the newsletter. 
(e) The proposed amendment will be listed on the next general membership ballot, issued no sooner than the bulletin after proposal introduction, and the decision rendered by a majority vote of ballots returned.

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